Being Prepared

With winter finally settling in, I thought I would share some great information from, which can apply in general to most of the developed world.  Power goes out, gas lines break, water mains need repair, and not everyone owns a generator, and back-up heat source, or is off the public water supply.  Temperatures drop and darkness hangs around longer than we would like, making simple comforts like a regular meal time all that more important.  Consider this a mini-challenge to prepare for an emergency – if not for yourself or your family, then for your community.  One less household burdening their local emergency responders with the need for basic supplies means that those in true danger can receive unimpeded help.  Wouldn’t you rather be part of the solution, anyway?  Follow the link below for a nifty 24-week calendar that will walk you through storing up a 7-day survival kit.  **Full disclosure** None of the following information was my work in any way, shape or form.


Some find it difficult to put together a disaster preparedness kit, but
using this easy-to-follow Preparedness Supplies Calendar will help you and
your family take the anxiety and frustration out of preparing for
emergencies or disasters by ensuring you have enough supplies to last
seven days or until help arrives.×11.pdf